The snmpd library is used in Avi controllers for the purpose of responding to SNMP MIB queries.
Occasionally there may be crash corefile generated as seen below on a working controller node, as seen below.
[email protected]:~/$
snmpd on node (10-50-58-154) crash -- Pls investigate further.
core_archive.20220529_111406.tar.gz generated
The crash may happen on all cloud environments in version prior to 22.1.7-2p1
This crash is caused by a latent bug in older versions of snmp library used(v5.9 and prior), leading to a race condition on the controller.
- This issue is fixed in later versions of Avi released with upgraded snmpd packages.
- This has been fixed in a patch on 22.1.7 and has also been addressed in the later GA releases.
- Bug ID: AV-145849
- Fix Versions: 22.1.7-2p1 and 30.2.1
- The recommendation is to apply the latest 2px on top of 22.1.7 since patches are incremental in Avi.