Promote an AD/LDAP user to Administrator in Advanced Authentication Admin console
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Promote an AD/LDAP user to Administrator in Advanced Authentication Admin console


Article ID: 375221


Updated On:


CA Risk Authentication CA Advanced Authentication CA Advanced Authentication - Strong Authentication (AuthMinder / WebFort) CA Advanced Authentication - Risk Authentication (RiskMinder / RiskFort)


This KB article provide steps to promote an AD/LDAP user to Administrator role.


Release: 9.1.x

CA Strong Authentication

CA Risk Authentication


You can promote an Active Directory or LDAP user to Administrator role and steps are described below-

  • Login to Admin console with Master Admin or Global Administrator privilege.
  • Click on 'Users and Administrators' tab and then search for the user in Organization.
  • Click on the user who should be promoted and then click on 'Edit'.
  • Click in 'Change Role to Administrator'
  • Select the Role the intended Administrator supposed to have and then select the Organization to manage.
  • Click on Create and the Administrator will be created. Login with that Administrator using url http\s://<hostname>:<Portnumber>/arcotadmin/adminlogin.htm, Input the LDAP organization name and then LDAP user and Password.