Upgrading edges to R5233-20240719-GA-c8b17d8986 causes edge to start in management only mode due to which tunnels and data traffic are getting affected. However VCO communication would be available
Event on VCO: "Edge service startup" "VeloCloud edge service started in mgmt-only mode"
Specific Error to be seen in diag bundle.
edged.log.253:2024-08-08T09:13:49.023 |15227| SEVERE [MAIN] parse_etc_routing:2115 No valid LAN interfaces are found. Switching to mgmt_only mode
SDWAN Edge version R5233
Bug- 149862 has been identified for the issue.
Fix to be available in R524 GA release. No workaround available other than to downgrade the edges.
Hotfix version available: 5401-20240910-GA-143549-143551-149726.