Savings Plans Recommendations tool has no data.
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Savings Plans Recommendations tool has no data.


Article ID: 375125


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Savings Plan (SP) Recommendation tool says that tenant is fully optimized and does not generated any recommendations. No data is generated for single aws accounts and it says "Looks like you're fully optimized. You have no recommendations at this time" when selecting Billing Accounts. 


Two factors that could cause the Savings Plan tool not to generate recommendations. 
-First is if the AWS Payer account is in warning state with No credentials configured. In this case, CloudHealth is unable to gather the required data via AWS APIs.
-Second, the payer account is healthy, but a delay occurs in generating data because a job from backend is kicked off when the page is visited for the first time or when the page has not been visited for > 30 days. The recommendation is to visit the page 24-48 hours before your deadline to generate Savings plans recommendations.