When creating a workload cluster it was discovered that the default storage class created during cluster creation does not contain the expected storage policy.
kubectl get sc default -oyaml
allowVolumeExpansion: true
apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
kind: StorageClass
kapp.k14s.io/identity: v1;/storage.k8s.io/StorageClass/default;storage.k8s.io/v1
kapp.k14s.io/update-strategy: skip
storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class: "true"
creationTimestamp: "2024-08-20T07:56:59Z"
name: default
provisioner: csi.vsphere.vmware.com
reclaimPolicy: Delete
volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer
As seen from the command the expected parameter is missing
storagepolicyname: test-vsan-pol
TKGm 2.5.1
It was discovered that the switch VSPHERE_STORAGE_POLICY_ID is not defined in the clusterbootstrap object during cluster creation.
Below is described in more details the correlation between the switch and the process how this is applied.
When cluster is created using cluster class there are several components that have to be defined:
In case the cluster object is created without cluster bootstrap definition created this object will be automartically created with default setting without taking into account the switch VSPHERE_STORAGE_POLICY_ID
Once the cluster is created the KAPP controller will deploy default storage class as per the secret defined in the MGMT cluster
The reconciliation process follows the below hierarchy
Clusterbootstrap extract:
- refName: tkg-storageclass.tanzu.vmware.com.0.32.2+vmware.1
infraProvider: vsphere
Clusterboostrap with the switch defined:
- refName: tkg-storageclass.tanzu.vmware.com.0.32.2+vmware.1
infraProvider: vsphere
Do not modify the default storage class definition. To customize a storage class, create a new
definition with a differentname
instead of modifying the default object created by TKG.
Recommended approach would be to either recreate the cluster with correct switch or create a new storage class with the desired parameters in place and complete the provisioning from the new storage class.