Lookup attribute shows HTML code
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Lookup attribute shows HTML code


Article ID: 375057


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Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


'Lookup - String' attribute containing HTML code shows the HTML code instead of formatted text.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Create a new Static lookup with the following value:
    <a href="https://www.broadcom.com/">Broadcom</a>
  2. Create a new Lookup attribute in the Project object that uses the previous lookup.
  3. In the Modern UX Projects Grid view, add this attribute as a column, as well as a part of the Details flyout or Blueprint.
  4. For any project, choose the value created in step 1.

Expected Results: The lookup attribute cell shows 'Broadcom' as a link. The dropdown, Details and Blueprint show the same value.

Actual Results:

16.2.2: The lookup attribute cell shows 'Broadcom' as a link. The dropdown, Details and Blueprint show '<a href="https://www.broadcom.com/">Broadcom</a>' as text.

16.2.3: All show '<a href="https://www.broadcom.com/">Broadcom</a>' as text.


Clarity 16.2.2, 16.2.3, 16.3.0


DE153027, for the Grid view cell (dropdown) issue.

DE156878, for the flyout Details and Blueprint issue.


Both DE153027 and DE156878 have been fixed in Clarity 16.3.1.