When creating a private subdomain in an organization, you may encounter a failure stating the subdomain is already reserved by another domain.
For example:
cf create-private-domain org1 dev.example.net
Creating private domain dev.example.net for org org1 as [email protected]...
The domain name "dev.example.net" cannot be created because "example.net" is already reserved by another domain
Private domains allow members of an organization to create routes for privately registered domain names. Private domains can be shared with other orgs and spaces. These are called shared private domains and are not the same as shared domains.
When using private domains, you can have routes with the same host name and domain name across different orgs and spaces. This cannot be done with shared domains.
The cause of this failure is the existing private domain (example.net) is owned by another org.
Requirements for parent and child domains
In the domain example-app.shared-domain.example.com, shared-domain.example.com is the parent domain of subdomain example-app. The following list describes requirements for creating domains:
The domain foo.example-app.shared-domain.example.com is the child subdomain of example-app.shared-domain.example.com. The following list describes requirements for creating subdomains:
Find the organization where the private parent domain was created and create the private subdomain in that organization.