When adding a new node pool using Telco Cloud Automation, we see that the task never finishes and gets stuck in processing state. In the Node Pools section of the CaaS Infrastructure we see this error and the reason for the Nodepolicy Ready is showing K8S121001:
[VcSessionEstablishmentFailed] vmconfig status is Failed, nodeconfig status is Normal.vmconfig failed: plugin placementPlugin check failed: VSphereVM.infrastructure.cluster.x-k8s.io "Node-Pool-Name-XXXX" not found
. Node-Policy stage failed. Error: node Node-Pool-Name-XXXX err: vmconfig status is Failed, nodeconfig status is Normal.vmconfig failed: plugin placementPlugin check failed: VSphereVM.infrastructure.cluster.x-k8s.io "Node-Pool-Name-XXXX" not found
.. Reason: Normal/Configuring/Failed/Total: 0/0/1/1.nodes [Node-Pool-Name-XXXX] in Failed state.NodePolicyMachineStatus - VSphere-Machine-Name-XXXX CR stage: Failed. Error: vmconfig status is Failed, nodeconfig status is Normal.vmconfig failed: plugin placementPlugin check failed: VSphereVM.infrastructure.cluster.x-k8s.io "VSphere-Machine-Name-XXXX" not found
In both the capv and vmconfig pod logs we can see messages similar to 'VSphereVM.infrastructure.cluster.x-k8s.io "VSphere-Machine-Name-XXXX" not found'.
Restart the vmconfig opearator pod on the TKG Mgmt Cluster
kubectl rollout restart deploy/vmconfig-operator -n tca-system