Important Log files in Dollar Universe
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Important Log files in Dollar Universe


Article ID: 374938


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CA Automic Dollar Universe


We are in process of building an alert/alarm system and want to know What are the important log files in Dollar Universe?


Component: Dollar Universe

Release: 6.x, 7.x


Some of the important files in Dollar Universe are listed below


  • alertmanager.log: Contains log for alerting manager. This file should be checked for messages when there is an issue in alerting.
  • derby.log: Contains information on the internal database which is Derby.
  • uvserver.log: This is the main UVMS log file and should be checked first before checking other logs.
  • uxiotrns.log: Contains an audit log of the UVMS. It is useful to check the manipulation done on UVMS.
  • uvmsdump.log: Contains the result of the unicheckms –dump command.


  • universe.log: This is the main log file of Dollar Universe company. This log should be checked for any message/error when investigating any issue.

Note: Depending on the area chosen when running the uxtrace, the following logs will also be present. In addition to universe.log, these logs should also be consulted if there is an issue with any of the server.

For v6.x/7.x:

  • eep.log: It shows start-up shutdown details of the External Event Processor.
  • trc_lock_io_*.log: It contains the log for engines and io server locks done on any data files. This can be useful if there’s any issue on any engines, for example, launcher “freeze” issue.
  • IO_*.dump.log: It contains log specific only for IO server.
  • reorganization.log: It contains the log for the latest online reorganization. This can be used to check if there’s any data file issue.

UVC (Error related to UVC)

  • USER_HOME_DIR\univiewer_console\logs\univiewer.log

WEB Console (standard Tomcat logging for each web-app deployed, the below are for Dollar Universe Webcosnole)

  • TOMCAT_INSTALL_DIR\logs\webconsole-stderr-*.log
  • TOMCAT_INSTALL_DIR\logs\webconsole-stdout.*.log


  • DUX_INSTALL_DIR\log\du_bui_debug.log
  • DUX_INSTALL_DIR\log\unistartdux.log
  • DUX_INSTALL_DIR\log\installation.log


  • REPORTER_INSTALL_DIR\log\server.log
  • REPORTER_INSTALL_DIR\log\reporter_servcice_start.log
  • REPORTER_INSTALL_DIR\log\reporter_servcice_stop.log

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