Failing to install plugins for Tanzu CLI v1.4.0 (windows)
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Failing to install plugins for Tanzu CLI v1.4.0 (windows)


Article ID: 374923


Updated On:


VMware Tanzu Application Platform


It's failing to install the plugins for Tanzu CLI v1.4.0 (windows) with the following error message.

$ tanzu plugin install --group vmware-tap/default:v1.8.2

[i] The following plugins will be installed from plugin group 'vmware-tap/default:v1.8.2'
  NAME              TARGET      VERSION
  accelerator       kubernetes  v1.8.0
  apps              kubernetes  v0.13.0
  build-service     kubernetes  v1.0.0
  external-secrets  kubernetes  v0.1.0
  insight           kubernetes  v1.8.0
  package           kubernetes  v0.32.1
  secret            kubernetes  v0.32.0
  services          kubernetes  v0.8.0
[i] Installed plugin 'accelerator:v1.8.0' with target 'kubernetes'
[i] Installed plugin 'apps:v0.13.0' with target 'kubernetes'
[i] Installed plugin 'build-service:v1.0.0' with target 'kubernetes'
[i] Installed plugin 'external-secrets:v0.1.0' with target 'kubernetes'
[i] Installed plugin 'insight:v1.8.0' with target 'kubernetes'
[x] Failed to install plugin 'package:v0.32.1' with target 'kubernetes'
[!] unable to install plugin 'package': could not describe plugin "package": exit status 2
[i] Installed plugin 'secret:v0.32.0' with target 'kubernetes'
[i] Installed plugin 'services:v0.8.0' with target 'kubernetes'
[x] : could not install 1 plugin(s) from group 'vmware-tap/default:v1.8.2'


This is a known issue being discussed in the github issue:


Tanzu CLI v1.4.2 (windows) contains the fix for this issue. Please uninstall the Tanzu CLI v1.4.0 and install the Tanzu CLI v1.4.2 (windows) or onwards.