Scheduler stops with PLS-00306 ORA-06550 errors
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Scheduler stops with PLS-00306 ORA-06550 errors


Article ID: 374860


Updated On:


Autosys Workload Automation


During Disaster Recovery (DR) testing, scheduler starts but errors out and stops with below errors in the scheduler log file:


[08/15/2024 16:19:38] CAUAJM_E_18400 An error has occurred while interfacing with ORACLE.
[08/15/2024 16:19:38] CAUAJM_E_18401 Function invoked from failed <1,016>
[08/15/2024 16:19:38] CAUAJM_E_40111 Unable to fetch job details using internal job identifier <385>. Event processing for ACE0005o3400 aborted.
[08/15/2024 16:19:38] CAUAJM_E_18416 Event Server: Failed Query:
_week, :B_exclude_calendar, :B_has_box_failure_1, :B_has_box_success_1, :B_has_condition_1, :B_has_resource_1, :B_job_ver_1, :B_mach_name , :B_max_run_alarm, :B_min_run_alarm, :B_n_retrys, :B_run_calendar , :B_run_window , :B_start_mins , :B_start_times , :B_term_run_time, :B_alarm_if_fail, :B_alarm_if_terminated, :B_auto_delete, :B_has_box_failure_2, :B_has_box_success_2, :B_has_condition_2, :B_has_resource_2, :B_box_joid, :B_box_name , :B_box_terminator, :B_job_ver_2, :B_temp1, :B_has_notification, :B_has_override, :B_has_service_desk, :B_helpdesk_value, :B_temp2, :B_job_load, :B_job_name, :B_job_terminator, :B_joid, :B_must_complete , :B_must_start , :B_numero , :B_priority, :B_timezone , :B_as_applic, :B_group, :B_wf_name , :B_over_num, :B_appl_ntry, :B_evt_num, :B_exit_code, :B_jc_pid, :B_last_end, :B_last_start, :B_next_start, :B_ntry, :B_pid, :B_qual , :B_que_name , :B_run_machine , :B_run_num, :B_run_priority, :B_run_window_end, :B_status, :B_status_time, :B_time_ok, :B_wf_joid, :Done); END; <<364,1>>>
[08/15/2024 16:19:38] CAUAJM_E_18402 ORA-06550: line 1, column 18:
[08/15/2024 16:19:38] PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'UJO_GET_SCHED_INFO'
[08/15/2024 16:19:38] ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
[08/15/2024 16:19:38] PL/SQL: Statement ignored
[08/15/2024 16:19:38] CAUAJM_I_18403 Processing OCI function ODEFIN(34)
[08/15/2024 16:19:38] CAUAJM_E_18400 An error has occurred while interfacing with ORACLE.
[08/15/2024 16:19:38] CAUAJM_E_18401 Function invoked from failed <1,016>
[08/15/2024 16:19:38] CAUAJM_E_40111 Unable to fetch job details using internal job identifier <364>. Event processing for ACE0005o3200 aborted.
[08/15/2024 16:19:38] CAUAJM_E_18416 Event Server: Failed Query:
_week, :B_exclude_calendar, :B_has_box_failure_1, :B_has_box_success_1, :B_has_condition_1, :B_has_resource_1, :B_job_ver_1, :B_mach_name , :B_max_run_alarm, :B_min_run_alarm, :B_n_retrys, :B_run_calendar , :B_run_window , :B_start_mins , :B_start_times , :B_term_run_time, :B_alarm_if_fail, :B_alarm_if_terminated, :B_auto_delete, :B_has_box_failure_2, :B_has_box_success_2, :B_has_condition_2, :B_has_resource_2, :B_box_joid, :B_box_name , :B_box_terminator, :B_job_ver_2, :B_temp1, :B_has_notification, :B_has_override, :B_has_service_desk, :B_helpdesk_value, :B_temp2, :B_job_load, :B_job_name, :B_job_terminator, :B_joid, :B_must_complete , :B_must_start , :B_numero , :B_priority, :B_timezone , :B_as_applic, :B_group, :B_wf_name , :B_over_num, :B_appl_ntry, :B_evt_num, :B_exit_code, :B_jc_pid, :B_last_end, :B_last_start, :B_next_start, :B_ntry, :B_pid, :B_qual , :B_que_name , :B_run_machine , :B_run_num, :B_run_priority, :B_run_window_end, :B_status, :B_status_time, :B_time_ok, :B_wf_joid, :Done); END; <<367,1>>>
[08/15/2024 16:19:38] CAUAJM_E_18402 ORA-06550: line 1, column 18:
[08/15/2024 16:19:38] PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'UJO_GET_SCHED_INFO'
[08/15/2024 16:19:38] ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
[08/15/2024 16:19:38] PL/SQL: Statement ignored
[08/15/2024 16:19:38] CAUAJM_I_18403 Processing OCI function ODEFIN(34)
[08/15/2024 16:19:38] CAUAJM_E_18400 An error has occurred while interfacing with ORACLE.
[08/15/2024 16:19:38] CAUAJM_E_18401 Function invoked from failed <1,016>
[08/15/2024 16:19:38] CAUAJM_E_40111 Unable to fetch job details using internal job identifier <367>. Event processing for ACE0005o3300 aborted.


Workload Automation AutoSys


Autosys binaries were not the same version/patch level as the database version


  1. Stop Scheduler and Application Server
  2. Execute RefreshAEDB script against the database that is giving the problem
  3. Start Application Server and Scheduler
  4. Verify Scheduler log to ensure that the errors are now resolved