Steps to cleanup the user-device association and deviceID information for all the users in bulk for mobile channel. Same steps can be applied for other channels ( default ), just the table names will be different in that case.
Symantec Risk Authentication 9.1.x
Follow these steps to cleanup user-device association and device information for mobile channel:
create table DeviceID_DeleteList as (select deviceidseqid from ARRFDEVICEINFO where deviceid in (select distinct(httpdeviceid) from ARRFSYSAUDITLOG_MOBILE where datelogged <= '31-DEC-2023'))
create table DeviceID_DeleteList_<Org_Name> as ( select deviceidseqid from DeviceID_DeleteList where deviceidseqid in (select deviceidseqid from ARRFDEVUSERASSO where orgname=<Org_Name>))
delete from ARRFDEVUSERASSO where deviceidseqid in (select deviceidseqid from DeviceID_DeleteList_<Org_Name>);
delete from ARRFDEVICECONTEXT where deviceseqid in (select deviceidseqid from DeviceID_DeleteList_<Org_Name>);
delete from ARRFDEVICEINFO where deviceidseqid in (select deviceidseqid from DeviceID_DeleteList_<Org_Name>);
drop table DeviceID_DeleteList;
drop table DeviceID_DeleteList_<Org_Name>;