Aria automation Deployments with multihoming NICs takes the secondary IP (nic 1) as perferred Nic instead of the primary (nic 0)
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Aria automation Deployments with multihoming NICs takes the secondary IP (nic 1) as perferred Nic instead of the primary (nic 0)


Article ID: 374704


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VMware Aria Suite


In Aria Automation, deployments with multiple NICs display the secondary IP (NIC 1) rather than the primary IP (NIC 0) in the address section.


VMware Aria Automation 8.x


This behavior is expected. The algorithm prioritizes IP addresses based on their first octet. Any IPs which starts with with 10, 172, 192, or 169 is being weighted less. Therefore as per screenshot NIC1's IP, starting with 44, is deemed primary over NIC0's, which starts with 10.x


To Workaround for this issue, if there is any extensibility which uses the Primary IP of the compute to configure downstream objects. Then their needs to a logic change to use the NIC0 IP address instead of primary IP address.