Perform the following configurations which needs to be done in the Spectrum Data Publisher side to send the event details/message details to DX OI SAAS..
Update the following files in Spectrum Data Publisher's config folder
1. Add the following entry in <alarm-request> section of AlarmPayload.xml file
<requested-attribute xmlns:xsi="" id="0x1296e" xsi:type="requested-attribute"/>
2. Add the following entry in <alarm-request> section of AlarmSubscriptionPayload.xml file
<requested-attribute all-updates="true" id="0x1296e" notify-of-changes="true"/>
3. Add the following entry in <DoiPropertiesToAlarmAttrs> section of DOIConfig.xml file
Restart the Spectrum data publisher
The mentioned attribute would be available in "messageDetails" field of OI Alarm. To include this field in ticket description, the underlying message template of ITSM channel has to be updated to include this new field.
custom message template for All/raw alarms
Message Details:${messageDetails}
custom message template for situation alarms
Message Details:${situation.allAlarm.messageDetails}