When the Download schedule runs for LiveUpdate Administrator, the download will seem to pause at a percentage, then fail.
For example,The downloads have been failing for 1720481057jtun_sesmantivirusclientwin64n64_english_full_20240419025212018_22651.zip (comparatively a bigger file - 121 MB) and files of the pattern "jtun_saepautoupgradewin64_english_.zip" (around 70-75 MB).
The file gets downloaded around 40% and then errors out with SocketTimeoutException.
The download of larger updates, primarily SEP Client updates, times out, causing the download schedule to fail.
If the latency in the network can be addresses, this issue should be resolved. To work around the issue:
Remove large files from the updates selected within the Download Schedule.
Examples include:
Review the list of updates provided within the configuration of the Download Schedule and look for SEP Client related updates.
You can then create a separate Download schedule and select only the above updates to see if they can be downloaded separately from the main download schedule.