Gen 8.6 "Cannot find Client Manager Encryption Exit procedure ENCRYPT"
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Gen 8.6 "Cannot find Client Manager Encryption Exit procedure ENCRYPT"


Article ID: 374583


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Gen Gen - Run Time Distributed


With Gen 8.6 PTFs up-to date and no customizations made in user exits, getting below error in Client Manager (CM) log file:
Cannot find Client Manager Encryption Exit procedure ENCRYPT

However the CM works as expected without any impact.

Compiling the user exit with MAKEDECR.BAT solves the problem and the message disappears from the log file.


Release: 8.6

Component: Gen Client Manager
                     Gen Communications Bridge Server


Decren.dll does not contain the function ENCRYPT.


Both Client Manager/Communication Bridge may need to decrypt the CFB message that is sent from Gen client to Gen server.
The file decren.dll is used to do that and it can be rebuilt using the decrexit.c user exit, for which there are 2 versions - one for Client Manager and one for Communications Bridge.

  1. Communication Bridge
    Located in directory %IEFH%\samples\CommBridge
    Source decrexit.c only has the DECRYPT function
    Makefile makedecr.bat compiles only the DECRYPT function

    2. Client Manager
    Located in directory %IEFH%\samples\ClientManager 
    Source decrexit.c has both the ENCRYPT and DECRYPT functions
    Makefile makedecr.bat compiles both ENCRYPT and DECRYPT functions

Both makefiles create a file named decren.dll. The decrexit.c has to be copied to %IEFH%.

Apparently the Gen installation provides the Communication Bridge version of this dll, which has no ENCRYPT function. This causes the Client Manager to write a message to its log file.
Cannot find Client Manager Encryption Exit procedure ENCRYPT

This message disappears after building and using the Client Manager version of the user exit as the ENCRYPT function is added to decren.dll.