Aria Operations for Networks GUI shows System Infrastructure as Poor and error seen is Failed to backup one of more essential configuration
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Aria Operations for Networks GUI shows System Infrastructure as Poor and error seen is Failed to backup one of more essential configuration


Article ID: 374541


Updated On:


VMware Aria Operations for Networks


On the GUI for Aria Operations for Networks GUI shows System Infrastructure as Poor and error seen is Failed to backup one of more essential configuration.

Screenshot as below:


VMware vRealize Network Insight 6.x
Aria Operations for Networks 6.10.0
Aria Operations for Networks 6.11.0
Aria Operations for Networks 6.12.0
Aria Operations for Networks 6.12.1
Aria Operations for Networks 6.13.0



Backup Restore via CLI has been configured which has failed.
Due ot this the error message seen on Aria Operations for Networks GUI is expected.


To get rid of this error message delete the back-restore back created on Platfrom Node 1 appliance

1.Take a SSH/Putty session to Aria Operations for Networks Platform Node1 and login with username consoleuser.

2. Execute below commands

(cli) backup-restore backup --action status
Last Updated TimeStamp: 2024-08-12-20.50.33
Backup File Name: vrni_backup-10000-###.##.###.##-2024-08-12-20.50.24.tar
Failed components: UPLOAD_BACKUP_FILE
(cli) backup-restore backup --action delete
BACKUP : Configuration successfully deleted

3. Navigate back to Aria Operations for Networks GUI and the error message seen should clear and system Infrastructure shows as Health/Green.

Additional Information

Refer to Aria Operations for Networks public-facing documentation for more details on Backup and Restore.