What's the process of changing a port number for Tomcat started task (CEMETOM) of Compliance Event Manager Product?
Product: Compliance Event Manager
Version: 6.0
Assuming you want to change Tomcat started task (CEMETOM) port to 8080
Here are the steps to perform:
1. Issue TSO command 'netstat (po nnnn)' nnnn=8080 is your available port
2. Update your <CEMHLQ>.CONFIG.DATA dataset with SET HTTP_PORT='8080'
3. Run <CEMHLQ>.SAMPJCL(CEMCCONF) job which re-generates the **.CUSTOM libraries including <CEMHLQ>.CUSTOM.CFGLIB
4. Verify the members CEMESRVX & CEMEYAML in your <CEMHLQ>.CUSTOM.CFGLIB are modified with the port 8080.
5. Update the <CEM_CONFIG_PATH>.application.yml file with port 8080 (See below 2 spots - baseUrl: and apiInfo:)
serviceId: camfcemrest_sysid
title: CA CEM REST Service
description: This is a CA Compliance Event Manager service that provides
baseUrl: http://yourURL:8080
serviceIpAddress: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
homePageRelativeUrl: /cemui
statusPageRelativeUrl: /cemrest/api/v1/cem/info
healthCheckRelativeUrl: /cemrest/api/v1/cem/health
- https://yourURL:9999/eureka/
contextPath: /cem
- apiId: ca.mf.cem
version: 1.0.0
gatewayUrl: api/v1
swaggerUrl: http://yourURL:8080/cemrest/api/ope
documentationUrl: https://www.zowe.org
6. Restart your Tomcat started task (CEMETOM) and verify in the joblog: INFO: Starting ProtocolHandler Ý"http-nio-8080"
7. GUI will start with http & new port as expected