After the upgrade of MySQL 8 from 5.7, the data_engine is no longer able to maintain the data, partition and purge old data, causing increased amount of data stored on the DB.
The cause of this issue can be a data collition issue in the DB. The collision issue is caused by a DB Configuration issue as one of the pre-requirements might not have been followed.
As per: Upgrade MySQL to v8.x (From DX UIM 20.4 CU8) (
character_set_server = utf8mb4 should be utfmb3
***Faulty Upgrade example***
my.cnf character is not cofigured as per pre-requirements before the upgrade:
character_set_server = utf8mb4
collation_server = utf8mb4_general_ci
default_week_format = 1
lower_case_table_names = 1
explicit_defaults_for_timestamp = 1
• Upgrading mysql to 8 from 5.7 and leaving "character-set-server = "utf8mb4" causes a collition issue. The DX UIM DB mysql schema is built with "utf8mb3". After the upgrade, it overriden this to utf8mb4 and this causes data directories and tablespaces to have mixed data. This is not compatible with data_management and purging operations. (Affected stored procedure existsspn_de_BasicDataMaintenance__Shrink)
• If before the upgrade of mySQL to 8 character-set-server may be set to utf8mb4 while running mysql 5.7, however, This does not represent an issue in 5.7. Instead, it is an issue starting mySQL 8 and this is why we document this is in the prerequirements.
In case of runinng the upgrade of mysql from 5.7 to 8 without having met the pre-requirements the following store procedure must be updated to recover from the faulty upgrade. Run the following statements against your DX UIM MySQL DB: DELIMITER $$
drop procedure if existsspn_de_BasicDataMaintenance__Shrink
create procedure spn_de_BasicDataMaintenance__Shrink (
in pQosDefId int, -- if null, all sample tables
in pTableType varchar(255), -- RN or HN or DN
in pCurrentTime datetime,
in pLogLevel int,
out pRowsAffected int,
out pReturnCode int
) begin
declare lStartTime datetime;
declare lMsg text;
declare lMsg2 text;
declare lRC int default 0;
declare lTableName varchar(255);
declare daysToKeep int;
declare lCmd text;
declare lErrMsg text;
declare lRowsChanged int default 0;
declare lRowsScanned int default 0;
declare lShrinkTimeLimit datetime;
declare lDeleteLimit int default 10000;
declare lTimeColumn text;
if (pLogLevel >= 4) then
set lStartTime = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP();
set lMsg = concat('spn_de_BasicDataMaintenance__Shrink(', ifnull(pQosDefId,'null'), ',', ifnull(pTableType,'null'), ',', ifnull(pCurrentTime,'null'), ')' );
if (pLogLevel >= 5) then
call spn__LogEvent('>', lMsg, lStartTime,NULL);
end if;
end if;
if (pQosDefId is null) then
set lRC = 33331;
set lErrMsg = concat('Invalid value for argument pQosDefId: ', 'null');
end if;
if (pTableType not in ('RN', 'HN', 'DN', 'BN') ) then
set lRC = 33332;
set lErrMsg = concat('Invalid valid for argument pTableType: ', ifnull(pTableType,'null'));
end if;
if (pCurrentTime is null) then
set lRC = 33333;
set lErrMsg = concat('Invalid value for argument pCurrentTime: ', 'null');
end if;
if (lRC = 0) then
when pTableType = 'RN' then RawAge
when pTableType = 'HN' then HistoryAge
when pTableType = 'BN' then HistoryAge
else DailyAvgAge
when pTableType = 'RN' then ifnull(raw_age, daysToKeep)
when pTableType = 'HN' then ifnull(history_age, daysToKeep)
when pTableType = 'BN' then ifnull(history_age, daysToKeep)
else ifnull(dailyavg_age, daysToKeep)
qos_def_id = pQosDefId;
set daysToKeep = daysToKeep;
if (pLogLevel >= 5) then
set lMsg2 = concat(lMsg,': daysToKeep=',ifnull(daysToKeep,'null'));
call spn__LogEvent('-', lMsg2, lStartTime, lRC);
end if;
set lShrinkTimeLimit = DATE_ADD(pCurrentTime, interval -daysToKeep day);
set lTableName = concat(pTableType,'QOS_DATA',right(concat('0000', pQosDefId),4));
if exists(select * from information_schema.tables where table_schema = schema() and table_name = lTableName) then
if (pTableType = 'BN') then
set lTimeColumn = 'starttime';
set lTimeColumn = 'sampletime';
end if;
set lCmd = concat('delete from ', lTableName, ' where ', lTimeColumn,' < ''', lShrinkTimeLimit, ''' limit ', lDeleteLimit, '');
set pRowsAffected = 0;
call spn_utl__ExecuteSql(lCmd, pLogLevel, lRowsScanned, lRowsChanged, lRC);
if (lRC = 0) then
set pRowsAffected = pRowsAffected + lRowsChanged;
set lErrMsg = concat('Failed executing: ', lCmd );
end if;
until lRowsChanged < lDeleteLimit
end repeat;
set lRC = 33334;
set lErrMsg = concat('Could not find table to be shrunk: ', lTableName);
end if;
end if;
if (pLogLevel >= 4) then
set lMsg = concat(lMsg,': Rows shrunk=',pRowsAffected);
call spn__LogEvent('<', lMsg, lStartTime, lRC);
end if;
set pReturnCode = lRC;