Steeltoe Client received a HTTP 499 response from SCS config-server v3.x
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Steeltoe Client received a HTTP 499 response from SCS config-server v3.x


Article ID: 374342


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VMware Tanzu Application Service


 Application intermittently fails to retrieves the properties from the config-server. Application is a .NET using Steeltoe client and received an HTTP 499 error from the config-server.


Spring Cloud Service v3.2

Tanzu Application Services

Steeltoe Client


The HTTP 499 indicates that the client has closed the connection without receiving a response.

The slowness could be have been cause by two scenarios:
1. Slowness with Credhub

2. Config-server is really slow which could be due to the container resources.




First, identify and confirm if Credhub is causing the slowness. If so, refer to this KB for additional information -  How to clean up Tanzu Application Service Credhub 

If it has been determined that the config-server indeed is taking more than 6 secs to return a response, increasing the timeout to more than 6 secs is an option. Steeltoe timeout default is 6 secs.
