CONRPT72 - Cast Section Difference in Heading Version
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CONRPT72 - Cast Section Difference in Heading Version


Article ID: 374328


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CONRPT72 - Showing two Endevor Version, Action Summary showing supported version, Cast section showing unsupported version.


CONRPT72 Sections: Headings are derived from the current Endevor Version of the system that generated the CONRPT72 report.

C A S T   S E C T I O N: Heading is derived from the Package File. This file is generated when the Package is cast, therefore, a package could be cast in a pervious version of Endevor but is now being processed in a current and supported version of Endevor.


It is important to note that it is acceptable to have a different Endevor version reported in the CAST SECTION of the CONRPT72. The Endevor version in the CAST SECTION should not be used to validate the current Endevor Version being used for processing.  

Additional Information

Tech Doc: 

Cast Summary of CONRPT72
The cast summary section of this report contains the results of the parse of the CAST statement SCL, and the messages produced by the execution of the CAST statement. The Cast Section contains the original Cast report, so the header information such as date and time, may be different from the date and time for CONRPT72.

Action Summary of CONRPT72