IPv6 config not set correctly on API Gateway 11.0 Default gateway is not set .
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IPv6 config not set correctly on API Gateway 11.0 Default gateway is not set .


Article ID: 374318


Updated On:


CA API Gateway


When connecting via IPv6 to a gateway , we get “Connection reset by peer”. This does work fine  on IPv4.
This is because the default gateway for IPv6 is not stored persistently via the SSGCONFIG menu network configuration.
We did manage to store the default Gateway for IPv6 persistently via NMTUI.

However, we do not find this in the techdocs.  It says that it must be configured via the SSGCONFIG menu.

Is this a bug in the virtual appliance version 11?


 gateway 11.0  


The workaround is to set the IPV6 default gateway using the os tools like nmtui or nmcli .

This will be fixed in the CR3 for gateway 11.0