Steps to change "AgentConnectionMaxLifetime" from Web UI.
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Steps to change "AgentConnectionMaxLifetime" from Web UI.


Article ID: 374300


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SITEMINDER CA Single Sign On Secure Proxy Server (SiteMinder) CA Single Sign On Federation (SiteMinder) CA Single Sign On Agents (SiteMinder)


Steps to change "AgentConnectionMaxLifetime" from Web UI.

Please note that the below mentioned WebUI steps help to change the XPS parameters configurations when we don't have access to the Policy Server to execute " XPS " (XPSConfig or XPSExplorer) Commands.


Steps to change "AgentConnectionMaxLifetime" from Web UI.

1. Install SiteMinder SDK


2. Go to <SDK Home>\samples\restapi\browser


3. Copy all the files from the  " <SDK Home>\samples\restapi\browser " directory into  the existing " sso-restapi-services.war " directory (Location : XXXX\CA\siteminder\adminui\standalone\deployments\iam_siteminder.ear\sso-restapi-services.war) in the same container where the AdminUI is running.


4. Open a web browser and navigate to https://[WAMUI-HOSTNAME]:8443/ca/api/sso/services/policy/login.htm. 


5. Use SiteMinder Admin UI credential to connect to the Policy Store. OOTB (Out of the Box) we use "siteminder" as an Admin UI login ID.


6. Go to  XpsVendors => CA => XpsProducts => SM => XpsParameters=>AgentConnectionMaxLifetime





7. Change the scope with Global.  The parameter value is changed globally for all Policy Servers (that do not have a local value override set) using the same policy store.



8. Click the edit button and change the value. Please adjust the value. For example, it can be changed in 15 minutes.

Default: 0. Sets no specific value; only the SiteMinder default connection lifetime (360 minutes) limit is enforced.

Limits: 0 - 360

Example: 15


9. Click the Save button.


Here is the validation for the configuration with XPSconfig command.


Reference Documents: