Classic - Any way to remove custom menu items from the application menu manager without removing access or deleting the object?
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Classic - Any way to remove custom menu items from the application menu manager without removing access or deleting the object?


Article ID: 374215


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Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


Is there any way to remove custom menu items from the application menu manager? We have old custom objects under Custom Objects ,that we , as admins, do not want to see under the Menu item. We have already removed rights for the users, but this would be for we, as admins. 

We have many custom objects and we want to clean up the menu, as we run into issues trying to scroll the menu to see all the custom objects. 

I assume we can remove rights, but then we have to remember to not re-grant those at all.  And, then on the admin side >Menu manager, we still see them.

How can a we keep this clean to not present menu items (admin and under Home) without deleting the object? 

Goal : Keep Admin>Menu manager clean to only show current menu items under Custom Objects, which will then make the UI Home>Custom Objects menu clean. But we want to do this without deleting the object. Removing rights is overhead to remember not to re-add those for admins, and it still shows under Admin>Menu manager

 If you try to remove any item, you get the error:  "The selected menu items can not be deleted because they are linked to system pages."


These are system menu items and there is no other way to control them outside of access rights.

The only thing you could do would be to create a new menu section and move those unused custom objects menu items to that section instead of Custom Objects.

Alternatively could create a group that has access to only those unused objects so that all would need to do is add Admin user to that group for the time access is needed and then remove.