A Windows job with the parameter 'View Job on Desktop = Normal' remains in the status 'Unknown' in the Process Monitoring view.
The agent log shows the following message:
U02000003 Job 'JOBS.WIN.35538933' started with RunID '1156008'.
U02000385 Web socket error: ''void com.automic.NativeMethods.useDesktop(long, long)''.
U00045014 Exception 'java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: "'void com.automic.NativeMethods.useDesktop(long, long)'"' at 'com.automic.NativeMethods.useDesktop()'.
U00003620 Routine 'com.uc4.ex.cp.JCPConnection' forces trace because of error.
U00003450 The TRACE file was opened with the switches '0000000000000000'.
U00003449 Output to the TRACE file is finished.
Automic Workload Automation 24.1.0
Component: Agent Windows Java
Documentation deficiency.
The Java-based Windows agent was started with the command:
java -jar ucxjoss.jar -svc%port%
The Java-based Windows agent must be started with the ucxjwx6.exe file:
C:\Automic\Automation.Platform\Agents\windows\bin\ucxjwx6.exe -svc%port%