PTF LU07474 was not found on z/OSMF to be applied.
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PTF LU07474 was not found on z/OSMF to be applied.


Article ID: 374160


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 When searching for the PTF LU07474 on z/OSMF, the result was:

No updates were found to satisfy the selection criteria for recommended updates.

Software Update uses vendor defined source IDs to identify recommended updates. If the vendor of the software products installed in the selected software instance does not define a source ID to identify recommended updates, refer to the vendor to learn how to identify which updates should be installed.


Why this PTF was not found on z/OSMF and where the information about it can be found?


LU07474 is an UPGRAD solution. UPGRAD solutions provide information about the fixes and enhancements that are available for a particular feature. This UPGRAD solution describes the latest update to CCS Apache Tomcat and provides a link to the latest PTF. Apply the PTF that is listed in the UPGRAD solution, even if it provides a newer CCS Apache Tomcat version than the one referenced here. 




Information about the actual PTFs which needs to applied for this feature can be found at the Broadcom Support link for this PTF.

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