Required Attributes not refreshing on sub-objects enabled with properties navigation
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Required Attributes not refreshing on sub-objects enabled with properties navigation


Article ID: 374151


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


We have mandatory field's Values entered in the pop-up screen of Required Fields, but are not reflecting in the main screen unless refreshed

Steps to Recreate

  1. In studio, create a project sub object and API enable it

  2. In this sub object, create a boolean and string attribute and API enable them both

  3. Give your user rights to the project sub object

  4. Go to MUX and make a copy of the Standard Project Blueprint

  5. Edit this blueprint and add this project sub objects to the modules list

  6. For this project sub object module, Enable the Properties Navigation --> On

  7. Edit the Module Details for the project sub object and add both the boolean and string attribute to the Properties page

  8. Now create a rule where when boolean attribute = true, the Required Attribute --> string attribute

  9. Publish the blueprint

  10. Create a project instance and associate the blueprint to it

  11. Drill down into the project and click on the project sub object module

  12. Create an instance of the project sub object, be sure to set the boolean attribute to false so It doesn't trigger the required attributes rule

  13. Drill down into the project sub object instance.  Now set the boolean attribute to true.

  14. The user will get the Required Field popover, fill in the value for the string attribute and click save

Expected: The user is back on the project sub object properties page and the string attribute is updated with the value

Actual: The user is back on the project sub object properties page and the string attribute is still empty

Note: The same issue is observed on objects too, as the required attributes not doing page refresh.


Component: Clarity Application

Release: 16.1.3, 16.2.0


The Required attributes not making a page refresh and issue is tracked under DE78662

Workaround: The user can refresh the page or come back, it will show the string attribute updated.


The issue is tracked under defect DE78662 is fixed in 16.2.1