Aria Operations Automation Central job to delete old snapshots from VMs is not selecting the expected set of VMs.
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Aria Operations Automation Central job to delete old snapshots from VMs is not selecting the expected set of VMs.


Article ID: 374123


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


  • An Automation Central job to remove 3 day old snapshots is not working correctly.  
  • Attempting to configure a job to ignore VMs that have a specific tag:
  • For example:
    • tag category='Snapshot Retention' with tag value='Snapshot Retention'
    • or tag category='Snapshots'   with tag value:'Snapshot Retention' 
    • This is expected to eliminate all VMs or only wants to delete the VMs with the tag. 



VMware Aria Operations 8.x


  • The two retention tag categories were defined in two different filter criteria sets.


  • Use a single criteria set with And, instead of using 2 criteria sets based on the OR operator.
  • Select the +ADD control to create the filter as shown in the example below.


  • Defining the job to use a single criteria set, using the +ADD control logic to delete old snapshots on untagged VMs
    • Object Type = Virtual Machine
    • Properties: Disk Space|Snapshot|Age (Days) is greater than 3.0
    • AND
    • Tag Snapshot Retention not exists
    • AND
    • Tag Snapshots          not exists


Another example:

  • To create a scheduled job to delete all snapshots over x days and not to delete snapshots of VMs with a tag category of snapshot-no-delete.
  • Create a tag category of snapshot-no-delete and assign it to the required VMs
  • Create the filter set as in the below screenshot.

This will ensure snapshots you do not want to delete are excluded from the job.