How can I get a list of Router Addresses and Names that are on a Harvester?
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How can I get a list of Router Addresses and Names that are on a Harvester?


Article ID: 374117


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CA Network Flow Analysis (NetQos / NFA)


We need to get a list of all the router address and names from our Harvester.  How do I export these details?


This can be acquired through mysql command on your NFA Console.  Open a command prompt (as administrator) and run the following command:

mysql -unetqos -pnetqos reporter -t -e "select inet6_ntoa(r.routeraddress) as RouterAddress, r.devicename as DeviceName, h.address as HarvesterAddress from routers r inner join harvesters h where r.harvesterid=h.harvesterid order by 3;"

You can also export the file directly to a text file:

mysql -unetqos -pnetqos reporter -t -e "select inet6_ntoa(r.routeraddress) as RouterAddress, r.devicename as DeviceName, h.address as HarvesterAddress from routers r inner join harvesters h where r.harvesterid=h.harvesterid order by 3;" > C:/ListOfDevicesByHarvester.txt
This will create a Text file with the Router IP address, Device Name and Harvester Address.