Endevor Web Interface failed to start - Unrecognized field "codepageConfig"
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Endevor Web Interface failed to start - Unrecognized field "codepageConfig"


Article ID: 374085


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After apply LU12888 and upgrade web services to API version 2.19,   web interface failed to start,  instead of prompting for userid/password and a drop down list of available configurations,  the following error shown in the login page:

Unable to fetch EWS instances failed to list instances: service request error: failed to map JSON response string to object: Unrecognized field "codepageConfig"  


Endevor V19

Web Services

Web Interface


LU12888 - Endevor Web Services 2.19 changes:
New Code Page Configuration File to associate different EBCDIC code pages
to elements based on their inventory location and type.
New endpoint to list the new configuration via REST API: /codepages


Older version of web interface does not recognize codepage configuration field in DataSource (introduced by web services 2.19)  

     <wsParameters Lang="" Locale="" TimeZone="GMT+12.0" CharacterSet="utf-8" CodePage="cp01140" CodePageConfig="" LFSEncoding="UTF-8
 " Encoding="cp037" ContentType="" Trace="" Traced="" Version="" Product=""/>


Apply LU13505, and run WSTOMINS with ACTION=WEBINF to upgrade web interface to version 1.2.14.