Missing patches in Online CIC
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Missing patches in Online CIC


Article ID: 374072


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CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager CA Client Automation


In CIC Online mode, some patches are missing in the list.

In baseline directory there are a lot of baseline files which are not processed.

Example :

Directory of C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\SC\CIC\Baseline

07/25/2024  12:00 AM    <DIR>          .
07/22/2024  09:17 AM    <DIR>          ..
05/29/2024  11:55 AM           352,235 OfflineExport-20240529115508.baseline
06/04/2024  11:55 AM           768,025 OfflineExport-20240604115510.baseline
06/05/2024  11:56 AM           179,595 OfflineExport-20240605115608.baseline
06/12/2024  11:57 AM           518,474 OfflineExport-20240612115711.baseline
06/13/2024  11:57 AM         1,018,726 OfflineExport-20240613115726.baseline
06/14/2024  11:57 AM           249,775 OfflineExport-20240614115709.baseline
06/15/2024  11:57 AM           466,239 OfflineExport-20240615115709.baseline
06/19/2024  11:57 AM         2,185,357 OfflineExport-20240619115719.baseline
06/21/2024  11:58 AM           234,911 OfflineExport-20240621115810.baseline
06/22/2024  11:58 AM           145,030 OfflineExport-20240622115810.baseline
06/25/2024  11:58 AM           954,207 OfflineExport-20240625115811.baseline
06/27/2024  11:59 AM           265,797 OfflineExport-20240627115910.baseline
06/28/2024  11:59 AM             9,229 OfflineExport-20240628115911.baseline
06/29/2024  11:59 AM           176,164 OfflineExport-20240629115909.baseline
07/05/2024  12:00 PM           181,113 OfflineExport-20240705120010.baseline
07/10/2024  12:00 PM           429,450 OfflineExport-20240710120012.baseline
07/11/2024  12:00 PM           483,370 OfflineExport-20240711120011.baseline


In cic.log file we could see this :

2024-07-25 00:00:27,585 [CCMain] INFO  [com.ca.sccc.CCMain] - Deletion of C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\SC\CIC\Baseline\OfflineExport-20240529115508.baseline failed, try again in 5 sec.
2024-07-25 00:00:32,585 [CCMain] INFO  [com.ca.sccc.CCMain] - Deletion of C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\SC\CIC\Baseline\OfflineExport-20240529115508.baseline failed, try again in 5 sec.
2024-07-25 00:00:37,585 [CCMain] INFO  [com.ca.sccc.CCMain] - Deletion of C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\SC\CIC\Baseline\OfflineExport-20240529115508.baseline failed, try again in 5 sec.
2024-07-25 00:00:42,601 [CCMain] INFO  [com.ca.sccc.CCMain] - Deletion of C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\SC\CIC\Baseline\OfflineExport-20240529115508.baseline failed, try again in 5 sec.
2024-07-25 00:00:47,617 [CCMain] INFO  [com.ca.sccc.CCMain] - Deletion of C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\SC\CIC\Baseline\OfflineExport-20240529115508.baseline failed, try again in 5 sec.
2024-07-25 00:00:52,632 [CCMain] ERROR [com.ca.sccc.CCMain] - Deletion of C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\SC\CIC\Baseline\OfflineExport-20240529115508.baseline failed
2024-07-25 00:00:52,632 [CCMain] INFO  [com.ca.sccc.CCMain] -   
2024-07-25 00:00:52,632 [CCMain] INFO  [com.ca.sccc.CCMain] - Cycle 1 completed with status: ERROR. Elapsed time 1 minutes.


Client Automation 14.5


The baseline file is successfully processed but for unknown reason (maybe locked by antivirus) the file could not be deleted :

2024-07-23 00:26:28,578 [CCMain] INFO  [com.ca.sccc.CCMain] - Processing messages from baseline file C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\SC\CIC\Baseline\OfflineExport-20240516143930.baseline
2024-07-23 00:26:35,673 [CCMain] INFO  [com.ca.sccc.CCMain] - Messages staged: 4453  Messages processed: 4453
2024-07-23 00:26:37,454 [CCMain] INFO  [com.ca.sccc.CCMain] - Deletion of C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\SC\CIC\Baseline\OfflineExport-20240516143930.baseline failed, try again in 5 sec.
As the baseline file could not be deleted the CIC job is terminated and the others baseline files are not processed.
But the day after the file is deleted successfully as it has already been processed :
2024-07-24 00:01:04,990 [CCMain] INFO  [com.ca.sccc.dbm.DBUtil] - Deleting the baseline file OfflineExport-20240516143930.baseline as it is already processed.

If there are a lot of baseline files to process in baseline directory, it could take several days to process all these files.


By default the job "Default Software Content Download Job" is scheduled to be executed once a day between 12AM and 6AM
As solution we could change the scheduling of job "Default Software Content Download Job" like this :
Run only when within time range : 12:00:00 AM and 1:00:00 AM
and uncheck "Run only once"
With this scheduling if the job terminates with error like "Deletion of C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\SC\CIC\Baseline\OfflineExport-20240516143930.baseline failed, try again in 5 sec.", it is restarted some minutes later and could process other baseline files.