We are trying to test an upgrade process on a 3 node system. It seems that the validation scripts are not working with sudo or without
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We are trying to test an upgrade process on a 3 node system. It seems that the validation scripts are not working with sudo or without


Article ID: 374068


Updated On: 08-07-2024


DX NetOps CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration


We are trying to do an upgrade as a sudo user.

When we run dr_validate.sh it fails with the following errors:


Disabling necessary firewall settings. ..................................[FAIL]

Enabling chronyd. .......................................................[FAIL]

Starting chronyd. .......................................................[FAIL]

Ensuring tuned is off for RHEL7+... .....................................[FAIL]

Data Repository Prerequisite Compliance Status on host p1ehowls10310 -- FAIL!


However, chronyd is installed and running on all nodes.

and tuned is also running on all nodes.


DX NetOps :: 23.3.11+



The sudoers file was not properly configured so the user did not have the needed permissions to run the script.



Be sure to include all entries from the docset in your sudoers file.

Remember to replace these variables with your sudo user:




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