dr_install.sh fails with error
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dr_install.sh fails with error


Article ID: 374064


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DX NetOps CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration


We are doing an upgrade as sudo user.

dr_validate.sh completed successfully on all nodes.


dr_install.sh fails with the following error:


>> Starting installation tasks.

>> Getting system information for cluster (this may take a while)...


Error: It looks like xx.xx.xx..222 and xx.xx.xx.223 are the same host.

Hint: Each cluster host must be a distinct machine.

Installation FAILED with errors.


Installation stopped before any changes were made.

install_vertica script failed with exit code 1..........................[FAIL]




DX NetOps :: All Supported Versions


The install script was unable to resolve the hosts.

This could be caused by name resolution problems or sudo permissions.


Make sure that the hosts file on each node has an entry for all nodes.


Make sure that the sudoers file has all the required entries from the docset:

Configure the Sudo User Account Privileges for Data Repository Installations and Upgrades