This KB describes the process of downloading dsm-data-plane image bundles manually and populating local Provider Repo with downloaded files
VCF and Data Services Manager (DSM) 2.1
Workaround for upgrading air-gapped environments to version 2.1 of DSM
1. Download data plane bundles from s3:
a. Via s3 browser:
- Navigate to provider-repo bucket -> dsm-data-plane.
- Check all the image bundle files within dsm-data-plane directory in the provider-repo bucket.
- Download all files manually.
NOTE: Usually multiple image bundles should be present within the directory:
b. Via aws-cli:
- Make sure aws-cli is installed in your system.
- Check all the image bundle files present in dsm-data-plane directory in the provider-repo bucket.
- Create a presigned url for each image bundle inside dsm-data-plane directory using the command:
aws s3 presign s3://<bucket-name>/path/to/zipfile --expires-in 3600
aws s3 presign s3://bucket_name_20/dsm-data-plane/ --expires-in 3600
- Copy/note each presigned url created along with filename for which it was created.
2. Create directory structure for data-plane zip files on DSM provider appliance
a. Create directory for each of the data-plane bundle zip files downloaded in Step 1
- SSH to provider VM.
- Navigate to /data/bundles/dsm-data-plane"
cd /data/bundles/dsm-data-plane
- Create version directories for image bundles. Note: an example filename would require '2.1.0' directory to be created, i.e.:
mkdir 2.1.0
3. Upload image bundles to DSM provider appliance
a. For files downloaded locally using s3 browser (step 1.a. followed):
- Upload each image bundle to the respective version directory using scp (or alternative), in case of scp the command will be similiar to:
scp path/to/image-bundle/downloaded/locally root@<provider_vm_ip>:/data/bundles/dsm-data-plane/<version_of_image_bundle>
b. Alternatively, in case presigned urls were created for each image bundle using Step 1.b:
- SSH to provider VM as root.
- Navigate to respective version directory in /data/bundles/dsm-data-plane, example for version 2.1.0:
cd /data/bundles/dsm-data-plane/2.1.0
- Download bundle using presigned url and filename obtained in point 1.b:
wget <presigned_url> -O <image_bundle_zip_file_name>
4. Adjust permissions for bundles uploaded to DSM provider appliance
- SSH to provider VM as root.
- Set bundle permissions to '775', example for 2.1.0 version of image:
chmod 775 /data/bundles/dsm-data-plane/2.1.0/
- Repeat for every bundle uploaded.
5. Refresh data_plane_release_history flag in DSM's PostgreSQL DB:
- Ensure you are logged to provider VM as root, connect to the database using PostgreSQL interactive terminal:
psql vmware postgres
- Execute following 'update' command:
update vmware.data_plane_release_history set is_processed=false;
5. Trigger Release Processing Task using DSM UI:
- in DSM User Interface navigate to: Version & Upgrade -> Check for upgrades. Alternatively user can chose to wait for periodic Release Processing Task to update automatically.