Upgrade from vCenter Server 7.0 U3 to 8.0 fails during pre-check with "Error in mething invocation 'SourceInfo' object has no attribute 'replicated_partners_info'
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Upgrade from vCenter Server 7.0 U3 to 8.0 fails during pre-check with "Error in mething invocation 'SourceInfo' object has no attribute 'replicated_partners_info'


Article ID: 374045


Updated On: 08-07-2024


VMware vCenter Server


  • You are trying to upgrade the vCenter Server from 7.0 Update 3 (or later) to 8.0 Update 2 (or later)
  • The vCenter Server is a member of an Enhanced Linked Mode setup
  • During the precheck, an error pops up, stating:

Upgrade phase timed out. The time planned for the upgrade phase was 15 minutes. The upgrade phase has already been running for 15 minutes.

  • When closing this popup, you see a second error in the installer window, which reports:

Pre-upgrade check failed due to the following problem: Error in method invocation 'SourceInfo' object has no attribute 'replicated_partners_info'


vCenter Server 7.x

vCenter Server 8.x

Enhanced Linked Mode


This error can occur when none of the other ELM replication partner are accessible during the upgrade attempt.


To prevent this error, please ensure that the ELM replication partners of the vCenter Server you are trying to upgrade and powered on, and that the vCenter can communicate with the other Enhanced Linked Mode replication partners.