Inventory Sync Issue between VMware Identity Manager and Lifecycle Manager post IP Change of VMware Identity Manager appliance.
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Inventory Sync Issue between VMware Identity Manager and Lifecycle Manager post IP Change of VMware Identity Manager appliance.


Article ID: 373985


Updated On: 12-16-2024


VMware Aria Suite


After performing a network migration to update the IP addresses of the VMware Identity Manager (vIDM 3.3.x) it was no longer syncing correctly with the Aria Suite Lifecycle Manager.


VMware Identity Manager 3.3.x - Single node Environment


In debugconfig.txt log we will be able to see 2 cluster instance with both new (ip: ##.###.#.##) and old(ip: addresses.

     "version": " Build 21173100", 
     "uuid": "xxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxx", 
     "status": "Active", 
     "lastUpdated": <Date>, 
     "hostname": "<vIDM-Hostname>", 
     "datacenterId": <ID>, 
     "id": <ID>, 
     "ipaddress": "##.###.#.##" 
     "version": " Build 21173100", 
     "uuid": "xxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxx", 
     "status": "Active", 
     "lastUpdated": <Date>, 
     "hostname": "<vIDM-Hostname>", 
     "datacenterId": <ID>, 
     "id": <ID>, 
     "ipaddress": ""  


In order to resolve this issue please follow the below recommendation:

Make sure to have a VMware Identity Manager Appliance snapshot.

  • Check and Update Service Instances:

    • Connect to the PostgreSQL database on the vIDM appliance using psql:
      psql -U postgres;
      select * from "ServiceInstance";
    • Ensure that the service instance table only contains entries with the new IP addresses. If there are old IP addresses present, delete them after taking a snapshot of the appliance by doing a delete query as: delete from table_name where condition;
  • Manual Verification and Reconfiguration:

    • Re-add the VMware Identity Manager vAPP options manually if they were removed during the migration.
    • Confirm that Aria Suite Lifecycle Manager and VMware Identity Manager are correctly configured to communicate with each other using the new IP addresses.
  • Retry Synchronization:

    • After making the above updates, retry the Inventory sync for the VMware Identity Manager from the Aria Suite Lifecycle Manager.