CAS9180E - CPU ###### Requires a LMP key to run Prod (EN) ENDEVOR-FOR-DB2
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CAS9180E - CPU ###### Requires a LMP key to run Prod (EN) ENDEVOR-FOR-DB2


Article ID: 373958


Updated On: 02-21-2025


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Receiving Common Services CAS9 licensing alert below when instead of typing ‘1’ to invoke RC/Query ‘7’ is typed by accident. 

CAS9180E - CPU ###### Requires a LMP key to run Prod (EN) ENDEVOR-FOR-DB2

How to disable option Endevor for Db2 from the Database Management Solutions for Db2 for z/OS main panel if it is accidently selected so
a LMP key warning is issued instead of the CAS9180E message?


An unlicensed product is selected from the Database Management Solutions for Db2 for z/OS main menu. 


Currently there is no way to prevent an unlicensed product included within the Database Management Solutions for Db2 for z/OS suite from being
invoked from the the main menu even when FULLMENU (NO) is specified in the hlq.CDBAPARM SETUPxx member to display only licensed products.

Although the unlicensed Broadcom product is not displayed on the main menu, if for example you type '7' the Endevor for Db2 product will be invoked.
The reason is that in an emergency customers have to be able to start any Broadcom product even when they do not have a valid LMP Key installed. 
Going forward it is understood there are plans to introduce a warning display to assist with accidental typographical issues where an unlicensed product
is selected by accident. This is in the planning stage with no ETA when it will be available.