Data Aggregator fails to stay running
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Data Aggregator fails to stay running


Article ID: 373940


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DX NetOps CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration


Data Aggregator fails to stay running. It starts for a moment before failing.

Data Aggregator is not starting after a scheduled reboot of the server. The server was rebooted as per recommended procedure but still facing an issue.

In the (default path) /opt/IMDataAggregator/apache-karaf<version>/data/log/karaf.log file this ERROR message is seen.

ERROR | eLoader-thread-2 | 2024-11-13T21:02:32,669 | ExceptionLog |   99 | |       | A NEW application exception occurred (Key=986b7dcef703dec156db51c235cbc1e078873f32) : Failed to load poll_item attribute data. : StatementCallback; SQL [select m.item_id, m.is_filtered from poll_item m inner join item i on i.item_id = m.item_id]; [Vertica][VJDBC](3149) ERROR: Duplicate primary/unique key detected in join [(dauser.item x dauser.poll_item) using item_super and poll_item_order_by_device_item_id_first_seg_b0 (PATH ID: 1)]; value [73519]; nested exception is java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: [Vertica][VJDBC](3149) ERROR: Duplicate primary/unique key detected in join [(dauser.item x dauser.poll_item) using item_super and poll_item_order_by_device_item_id_first_seg_b0 (PATH ID: 1)]; value [73519]
org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException: StatementCallback; SQL [select m.item_id, m.is_filtered from poll_item m inner join item i on i.item_id = m.item_id]; [Vertica][VJDBC](3149) ERROR: Duplicate primary/unique key detected in join [(dauser.item x dauser.poll_item) using item_super and poll_item_order_by_device_item_id_first_seg_b0 (PATH ID: 1)]; value [73519]; nested exception is java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: [Vertica][VJDBC](3149) ERROR: Duplicate primary/unique key detected in join [(dauser.item x dauser.poll_item) using item_super and poll_item_order_by_device_item_id_first_seg_b0 (PATH ID: 1)]; value [73519]


All supported DX NetOps Performance Management releases


An items Item_ID is duplicated within the Data Repository DB. The error is severe enough to prevent successful Data Aggregator startup.


Following are the steps to identify the duplicate and delete the Item ID's from vertica database

  1. Run the following VSql query to identify the duplicates in poll_item table.
    • Run as dradmin user: select * from <schemaName>.poll_item_dups;
    • Run as dauser user: select * from poll_item_dups;
  2. Run the script from the (default path) /opt/CA/IMDataRepository_vertica23 directory.
    1. Sample command using documented defaults dauser and dapass.
      • ./etlHealth dauser dapass
      • When it fails it prints a recommended command.
    2. Run the recommended command the etlHealth script results print out.
  3. Run the CARE script on the Data Aggregator.
  4. Open a new support case referencing this KB article. Attach to the new case:
    • The vsql command output
    • The caVerticaUtility data package
    • The DA log package