VCO reporting screen doesn't load properly due to error "Unknown error occurred". We won't be able to view old reports as well as generate new reports.
When we open Monitor ---> Reports at customer level, we see below error.
VMware SD-WAN Orchestrator
VCO version :
Reporting docker service failing to authorize due to API token issue
2024-08-05T15:05:00.045Z - info: [process.serviceActivation.36c7306b57c7] [1] vcoActivation Running VCO service activation
2024-08-05T15:05:00.050Z - info: [process.fetchVco~ties.172284729.985] [7903] VCO Portal API call. Method: systemProperty/getSystemProperties. Host
2024-08-05T15:05:00.079Z - warning: [process.fetchVco~ties.172284729.985] [7903] VCO response error {"message":"Invalid token error","errorCode":"INTERNAL_ERROR","httpStatus":500,"isUnexpected":true,"name":"VcoApiClientError","host":"","method":"systemProperty/getSystemProperties","code":"VCO_API_ERROR"}
2024-08-05T15:05:00.079Z - error: [process.fetchVco~ties.172284729.985] [7903] vcoApiClient call to portal threw exception: RetryOperationError: Portal Invocation failed VcoApiClientError: Invalid token error. Host: Method: systemProperty/getSystemProperties
2024-08-05T15:05:00.079Z - error: [process.fetchVco~ties.172284729.985] [7903] vcoApiClient threw exception: RetryOperationError: Portal Invocation failed VcoApiClientError: Invalid token error. Host: Method: systemProperty/getSystemProperties
2024-08-05T15:05:00.080Z - error: [process.fetchVco~ties.172284729.985] [7903] getVcoSystemProperties failed with error RetryOperationError: Portal Invocation failed VcoApiClientError: Invalid token error. Host: Method: systemProperty/getSystemProperties
at retryCallVcoApi (/app/reporting/build/reporting/lib/utils/retryCallVcoApi.js:52:15)
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
at async vcoApiClient (/app/reporting/build/reporting/lib/utils/vcoApiClient.js:23:20)
at async getVcoSystemProperties (/app/reporting/build/reporting/lib/jobs/fetchVcoSystemProperties.js:81:37)
at async Object.fetchVcoSystemProperties (/app/reporting/build/reporting/lib/jobs/fetchVcoSystemProperties.js:140:35)
at async process.handleMessage (/app/reporting/build/reporting/reporting.js:268:29) {
errorCode: 'VCO_API_ERROR',
httpStatus: 500,
isUnexpected: false,
data: {
method: 'systemProperty/getSystemProperties',
payload: { name: [Array] }
errors: [
message: 'Portal Invocation failed VcoApiClientError: Invalid token error. Host: Method: systemProperty/getSystemProperties'
2024-08-05T15:05:00.080Z - error: [process.fetchVco~ties.172284729.985] [7903] Job fetchVcoSystemProperties failed with error RetryOperationError: Portal Invocation failed VcoApiClientError: Invalid token error. Host: Method: systemProperty/getSystemProperties
at retryCallVcoApi (/app/reporting/build/reporting/lib/utils/retryCallVcoApi.js:52:15)
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
at async vcoApiClient (/app/reporting/build/reporting/lib/utils/vcoApiClient.js:23:20)
at async getVcoSystemProperties (/app/reporting/build/reporting/lib/jobs/fetchVcoSystemProperties.js:81:37)
at async Object.fetchVcoSystemProperties (/app/reporting/build/reporting/lib/jobs/fetchVcoSystemProperties.js:140:35)
at async process.handleMessage (/app/reporting/build/reporting/reporting.js:268:29) {
errorCode: 'VCO_API_ERROR',
httpStatus: 500,
isUnexpected: false,
data: {
method: 'systemProperty/getSystemProperties',
payload: { name: [Array] }
errors: [
message: 'Portal Invocation failed VcoApiClientError: Invalid token error. Host: Method: systemProperty/getSystemProperties'
The reporting service's token were expired.
"alg": "HS256",
"typ": "JWT"
"tokenUuid": "6e9faa09-aeaa-4c3a-a871-0b46c518da91",
"exp": 1722412800,
"uuid": "f714d263-6592-11e6-8ce3-0a16ed45d4d1",
"iat": 1721808000
The reporting server start to get error
2024-07-24T11:50:00.123Z - error: [authenticate.172180844.136775] [467858] API_TOKEN Failed to verify API token signature
2024-07-24T11:50:00.125Z - error: [authenticate.172180844.136775] [467858] error processing session ID [API_TOKEN:6e9faa09-aeaa-4c3a-a871-0b46c518da91] {"errorType":"tokenError","requestId":1721821800109,"errorMessage":"credential for authentication missing"}
The reporting service didn't get chance to renew the token
Steps to fix this issue :-
We need to run below steps from VCO CLI using root user.
First we need to login into MySQL shell using below command and then run the steps :-
mysql --defaults-extra-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf velocloud
1: Change the activation flag
update set isActivated = 0 from velocloud.VELOCLOUD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT where username = "reporting";
2: Make sure the activation key is same in the file
select * from velocloud.VELOCLOUD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT where username = "reporting";
| id | created | networkId | username | activationKey | isActivated | applicationId | urlPrefix | nginxRedirectionConfig |
| 12 | 2024-04-30 07:47:25 | 1 | reporting | c67a67a202f8f7442165ca5bbe5562795057d659037dc995e0bb50c3b5cfda2c | 1 | 12 | NULL | NULL |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
The key is stored in the file /etc/service_accounts/reporting_activation_conf.yml
3: Remove the expired token from reporting service
use velocloud_reporting_velocloud;
4: Restart the reporting service (Below is a ubuntu command and not MySQL query so this needs to be run outside MySQL shell)
systemctl restart reporting-service