In order to set up Version 24, the "Beta: Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support" setting must be set (described in the Preparing the AE Database - MS SQL documentation). When this happens, the 21.0 Automation Engine stops and will not start. The 21.0 Automation Engine WP logs shows:
20240731/225110.106 - U00003532 UCUDB: Checking data source ...
20240731/225110.106 - U00009907 Memory view 'string-orig' (Address='000000756FAED650', Length='255')
20240731/225110.106 - 00000000 01020304 05060708 090A0B0C 0D0E0F10 >................<
20240731/225110.106 - 00000010 11121314 15161718 191A1B1C 1D1E1F20 >............... <
20240731/225110.106 - 00000020 21222324 25262728 292A2B2C 2D2E2F30 >!"#$%&'()*+,-./0<
20240731/225110.106 - 00000030 31323334 35363738 393A3B3C 3D3E3F40 >123456789:;<=>?@<
20240731/225110.106 - 00000040 41424344 45464748 494A4B4C 4D4E4F50 >ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP<
20240731/225110.106 - 00000050 51525354 55565758 595A5B5C 5D5E5F60 >QRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`<
20240731/225110.106 - 00000060 61626364 65666768 696A6B6C 6D6E6F70 >abcdefghijklmnop<
20240731/225110.106 - 00000070 71727374 75767778 797A7B7C 7D7E7F80 >qrstuvwxyz{|}~.€<
20240731/225110.106 - 00000080 81828384 85868788 898A8B8C 8D8E8F90 >‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ<
20240731/225110.106 - 00000090 91929394 95969798 999A9B9C 9D9E9FA0 >‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸ <
20240731/225110.106 - 000000A0 A1A2A3A4 A5A6A7A8 A9AAABAC ADAEAFB0 >¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬®¯°<
20240731/225110.106 - 000000B0 B1B2B3B4 B5B6B7B8 B9BABBBC BDBEBFC0 >±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿À<
20240731/225110.106 - 000000C0 C1C2C3C4 C5C6C7C8 C9CACBCC CDCECFD0 >ÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐ<
20240731/225110.106 - 000000D0 D1D2D3D4 D5D6D7D8 D9DADBDC DDDEDFE0 >ÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞßà<
20240731/225110.106 - 000000E0 E1E2E3E4 E5E6E7E8 E9EAEBEC EDEEEFF0 >áâãäåæçèéêëìíîïð<
20240731/225110.106 - 000000F0 F1F2F3F4 F5F6F7F8 F9FAFBFC FDFEFF >ñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿ<
20240731/225110.106 - U00009907 Memory view 'string-DB' (Address='000000756FAED050', Length='255')
20240731/225110.106 - 00000000 01020304 05060708 090A0B0C 0D0E0F10 >................<
20240731/225110.106 - 00000010 11121314 15161718 191A1B1C 1D1E1F20 >............... <
20240731/225110.106 - 00000020 21222324 25262728 292A2B2C 2D2E2F30 >!"#$%&'()*+,-./0<
20240731/225110.106 - 00000030 31323334 35363738 393A3B3C 3D3E3F40 >123456789:;<=>?@<
20240731/225110.106 - 00000040 41424344 45464748 494A4B4C 4D4E4F50 >ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP<
20240731/225110.106 - 00000050 51525354 55565758 595A5B5C 5D5E5F60 >QRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`<
20240731/225110.106 - 00000060 61626364 65666768 696A6B6C 6D6E6F70 >abcdefghijklmnop<
20240731/225110.106 - 00000070 71727374 75767778 797A7B7C 7D7E7F3F >qrstuvwxyz{|}~.?<
20240731/225110.106 - 00000080= 3F3F3F3F 3F3F3F3F 3F3F3F3F 3F3F3F3F >????????????????<
20240731/225110.106 - 000000F0 3F3F3F3F 3F3F3F3F 3F3F3F3F 3F3F3F >???????????????<
20240731/225110.106 - U00003531 UCUDB: Error while checking data source (e.g. code conversion or driver problem, see log file).
20240731/225110.122 - U00003611 DB OPEN executed. Return Code = '0000003531'
20240731/225110.122 - U00003620 Routine 'UCMAIN_R' forces trace because of error.
20240731/225110.122 - U00003531 UCUDB: Error while checking data source (e.g. code conversion or driver problem, see log file).
20240731/225110.138 - U00003449 Output to the TRACE file is finished.
20240731/225110.138 - U00003100 Memory TRACE was opened with the switches '0000000000000000'.
20240731/225110.138 - U00003380 Server 'AUTOMIC#WP' version '' (Runtime '0/00:00:00', Log# '1', Trc# '0').
20240731/225110.138 - U00003491 There is a time difference of '0/00:00:00' or '0' seconds to the Primary Server.
20240731/225110.138 - U00003375 Server usage of the last minute '0%', the last 10 minutes '0%' and the last hour '0%'.
20240731/225110.138 - U00003531 UCUDB: Error while checking data source (e.g. code conversion or driver problem, see log file).
20240731/225110.153 - U00003410 Server 'AUTOMIC#WP' version '' ended abnormally.
Automation Engine: 21.0
OS: Windows
DB Type: SQL Server
Caused by an incorrect setting in ODBC system connection
Open the ODBC connection that is set in the 21.0 ucsrv.ini file on the AE server, follow through this and make sure that the "Perform translation for character data." option is unchecked.
This may lead to the following ODBC error when testing the ODBC connection:
Attempting connection
Connection established
Verifying option settings
'Perform translation for character data' should be checked
Disconnecting from server
This points to an older ODBC driver. Updating the ODBC to use a newer driver should resolve this.
Version 21.1, 12.2, 12.3, 21.0, and 24 have the note in the documentation for the ODBC connection:
When creating a new data source to SQL Server, do not select the checkbox Perform translation for character data.