Renaming a Smarts domain and service name
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Renaming a Smarts domain and service name


Article ID: 373885


Updated On:


VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance


Customer has installed a Smarts domain and wants to rename it.


Smarts 10.x and TCSA 2.4


To rename a domain and service name:

  • Stop the domain name that you are renaming.
  • Run the following command from the SM_HOME/smarts/bin directory

In this example: ic-am-pm-server is the service name that is being renamed to ic-am-pm-test. INCHARGE-AM-PM is the domain name being renamed to INCHARGE-AM-PM-TEST.

./sm_service show --cmdline ic-am-pm-server
  • The result of the command:
sm_service install --force  --unmanaged  --startmode=runonce \
 '--name=ic-am-pm-server' \
 '--description=VMware Smart Assurance Availability and Performance Manager Server' \
 '/opt/IP/IP1019/IP/smarts/bin/sm_server' \
 '--name=INCHARGE-AM-PM' \
 '--port=20003' \
 '--config=icf' \
 '--bootstrap=bootstrap-am-pm.conf' \
 '--subscribe=default' \
 '--ignore-restore-errors' \
 '--output' \


  • Copy the text block starting at sm_service:
    sm_service install --force  --unmanaged  --startmode=runonce \
     '--name=ic-am-pm-server' \
     '--description=VMware Smart Assurance Availability and Performance Manager Server' \
     '/opt/IP/IP1019/IP/smarts/bin/sm_server' \
     '--name=INCHARGE-AM-PM' \
     '--port=20003' \
     '--config=icf' \
     '--bootstrap=bootstrap-am-pm.conf' \
     '--subscribe=default' \
     '--ignore-restore-errors' \
     '--output' \

  • Change both name lines to your desired domain name and service name.
    sm_service install --force  --unmanaged  --startmode=runonce \
     '--name=ic-am-pm-server-test' \
     '--description=VMware Smart Assurance Availability and Performance Manager Server' \
     '/opt/IP/IP1019/IP/smarts/bin/sm_server' \
     '--name=INCHARGE-AM-PM-TEST' \
     '--port=20003' \
     '--config=icf' \
     '--bootstrap=bootstrap-am-pm.conf' \
     '--subscribe=default' \
     '--ignore-restore-errors' \
     '--output' \

  • From the smarts/bin directory, run the above command but put a ./ in front of sm_service
    ./sm_service install --force  --unmanaged  --startmode=runonce \
     '--name=ic-am-pm-server-test' \
     '--description=VMware Smart Assurance Availability and Performance Manager Server' \
     '/opt/IP/IP1019/IP/smarts/bin/sm_server' \
     '--name=INCHARGE-AM-PM-TEST' \
     '--port=20003' \
     '--config=icf' \
     '--bootstrap=bootstrap-am-pm.conf' \
     '--subscribe=default' \
     '--ignore-restore-errors' \
     '--output' \

  • Copy and paste the above and press enter
  • Run: 
    ./sm_service show

Verify the above service and domain names have been updated.

  • If you wish to retain your domain settings, rename the .rps file located in SM_HOME/smarts/local/repos/icf to your new domain name.
  • After you have added the updated service definition. You will need to remove the old service definition.
  • Run: 
    ./SM_HOME/bin/sm_service remove INCHARGE-AM-PM

  • Run:
    ./sm_service show INCHARGE-AM-PM

Verify that INCHARGE-AM-PM is not found.