Silent install of Autosys with an Agent Name WA1_AGENT gives an error [CAUAJM_E_110020] "Agent name" should not be empty
/tmp/cawa_installer.log has beloe content towards the end:
2024-08-02 17:59:10,907 [main] ERROR - [CAUAJM_E_110020] "Agent name" should not be empty.
2024-08-02 17:59:10,908 [main] DEBUG - Setting the result variables:$AE_AGENT_PROP_VALIDATE_RETURN_STATUS$ to:E_AE_Emptyfields :$AE_AGENT_PROP_VALIDATE_RETURN_MSG$ to:[CAUAJM_E_110020] "Agent name" should not be empty.
Workload Automation AutoSys
Agent Name parameter/value was not provided in the properties / response file being used by the installer.