Gen WRSECTOKEN customisation to get USERNAME does not show user ID in CFB
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Gen WRSECTOKEN customisation to get USERNAME does not show user ID in CFB


Article ID: 373831


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Gen Gen - Run Time Distributed


Gen 8.6 GUI client/server application.
The user ID that logs on to virtual Windows devices for development (environment variable USERNAME) was recently changed i.e. the old user ID of uuuuu became uuuuu-xxx. 
However the truncated uuuuu still needs to be sent to the server.

To remove the trailing -xxx from the default USERNAME value in the WRSECTOKEN user exit function (file WREXITN.C), a Win32 API call to GetUserName was used to get the user ID and then truncate it.
However, that resulted in a server side error due to incorrect user ID being passed and a client CMIDEBUG trace file confirms that no username value is populated in the Gen Common Format Buffer (CFB) that is sent to the server.

WRSECTOKEN code used:

int WRSECTOKEN (char *clientUserid, char *clientPassword, char *trancode,
                char *nextLocation, BOOL *bClntMgrSecurity, long *tokenLen,
                char *token, char *failureMsg)
    DWORD bufCharCount = 8;
    GetUserName(clientUserid, &bufCharCount);

    // Remove trailing suffix of -xxx by null-terminating
    char *hyphen = strchr(clientUserid, '-');
  if (hyphen != NULL) {
        int offset = hyphen - clientUserid;
        clientUserid[offset] = '\0';

    *bClntMgrSecurity = FALSE;
    *tokenLen = 0;
    return SecurityUsedEnhanced;


Gen GUI Client
Gen Distributed Processing Server


Support researched a basic client-server application with the SecurityUsedEnhanced flag returned in the WRCECTOKEN user exit (WREXITN.C). 
1. Initially setting CLIENT_USER_ID in the client action diagram to "user-xxx" and just using part of the above WRSECTOKEN code (without GetUserName) was used. In addition code was added to print strings to a separate file wrsec.out for debug purposes:
     FILE *fptr = fopen("wrsec.out", "w"); 
  fprintf(fptr,"clientUserid retrieved = %s\n", clientUserid);
     char *hyphen = strchr(clientUserid, '-');
     if (hyphen != NULL) {
         int offset = hyphen - clientUserid;
         clientUserid[offset] = '\0';
     fprintf(fptr,"clientUserid truncated = %s\n", clientUserid);
wrsec.out showed the expected "user-xxx" being processed:
clientUserid retrieved = user-xxx                                                        

clientUserid truncated = user
The Gen client CMIDEBUG trace file also showed the matching truncated user ID user:
07/16 14:41:31:454:TID-18928:CExtPStep::BuildSecurity(): RetCode from WRSECTOKEN 0, CMSecFlag:1  TokenLength:0 
07/16 14:41:31:454:TID-18928:CICFBClntOutMsg::putSecurity(): userid:user passwd: tokenLen:0 CMUse:1
07/16 14:41:31:454:TID-18928:CICFBClntOutMsg::putSecurity(): security token
07/16 14:41:31:454:TID-18928:CICFBClntOutMsg::CFBChecks(): for Security Section  len:14<0xe>
07/16 14:41:31:454:TID-18928:CICFBClntOutMsg::putSecurity(): Sensitive Data after security added
07/16 14:41:31:454:TID-18928:08891020: 53005304 75736572 53005A00 00000000 |S.S.userS.Z.....|
07/16 14:41:31:454:TID-18928:CExtPStep::BuildSecurity(): RetErr=CSUokay?:1  Msg Type=FreeMsgType?:1
 2. Added the call to GetUserName (to get the value of environment variable USERNAME) above the "FILE" line:
     DWORD bufCharCount = 8;
     GetUserName(clientUserid, &bufCharCount);
Manually set environment variable USERNAME to "usr1-xxx" (notice slight difference to "user-xxx" used for CLIENT_USER_ID in the client code) but the wrsec.out still showed "user-xxx" being processed:
clientUserid retrieved = user-xxx                                                        
clientUserid truncated = user

The Gen client CMIDEBUG trace file also still showed the matching truncated user ID user:
07/16 14:44:17:988:TID-21148:CExtPStep::BuildSecurity(): RetCode from WRSECTOKEN 0, CMSecFlag:1  TokenLength:0 
07/16 14:44:17:988:TID-21148:CICFBClntOutMsg::putSecurity(): userid:user passwd: tokenLen:0 CMUse:1
07/16 14:44:17:988:TID-21148:CICFBClntOutMsg::putSecurity(): security token
07/16 14:44:17:988:TID-21148:CICFBClntOutMsg::CFBChecks(): for Security Section  len:14<0xe>
07/16 14:44:17:988:TID-21148:CICFBClntOutMsg::putSecurity(): Sensitive Data after security added
07/16 14:44:17:988:TID-21148:086D4020: 53005304 75736572 53005A00 00000000 |S.S.userS.Z.....|
07/16 14:44:17:988:TID-21148:CExtPStep::BuildSecurity(): RetErr=CSUokay?:1  Msg Type=FreeMsgType?:1
So the environment variable USERNAME value "usr1-xxx" did not get processed.
3. Support read there may be a problem using GetUserName near the bottom of this page: Stackoverflow - Get current username in C++ on Windows
 "In case GetUserName(username, &username_len); doesn't work when using a char[] as storage, you should know that GetUserName could be a macro solved to GetUserNameW. If u worked with Windows API probably u know the difference between W and A. Using GetUserNameA would solve the problem if you're using char[] as buf"
Support tried with getUserNameA but same result as #2.
Then function getenv (also referenced in above page) was tested instead of GetUserName i.e.
  strncpy(clientUserid, getenv("USERNAME"), 8);
wrsec.out showed "usr1-xxx" being processed:
clientUserid retrieved = usr1-xxx                                                        
clientUserid truncated = usr1

The Gen client CMIDEBUG trace file also showed the matching truncated user ID usr1:
07/16 14:51:27:948:TID-1688:CExtPStep::BuildSecurity(): RetCode from WRSECTOKEN 0, CMSecFlag:1  TokenLength:0 
07/16 14:51:27:948:TID-1688:CICFBClntOutMsg::putSecurity(): userid:usr1 passwd: tokenLen:0 CMUse:1
07/16 14:51:27:948:TID-1688:CICFBClntOutMsg::putSecurity(): security token
07/16 14:51:27:948:TID-1688:CICFBClntOutMsg::CFBChecks(): for Security Section  len:14<0xe>
07/16 14:51:27:948:TID-1688:CICFBClntOutMsg::putSecurity(): Sensitive Data after security added
07/16 14:51:27:948:TID-1688:086E7020: 53005304 75737231 53005A00 00000000 |S.S.usr1S.Z.....|
07/16 14:51:27:948:TID-1688:CExtPStep::BuildSecurity(): RetErr=CSUokay?:1  Msg Type=FreeMsgType?:1
So the environment variable USERNAME value "usr1-xxx" did get processed successfully.

Therefore the root cause of the problem appears to be using function GetUserName and using function getenv instead was successful.

Additional Information