vCenter 7.03 upgrade to 8. failed because of unsupported sha1 certificates on the ESXi host
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vCenter 7.03 upgrade to 8. failed because of unsupported sha1 certificates on the ESXi host


Article ID: 373816


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server


Getting error at Pre-checks for vCenter upgrade at start of stage 2




vCenter 7.03


Support for certificates with weak signature algorithms has been removed in vCenter Server 8.0. The certificate with subject  ID Root CA' in VECS store TRUSTED_ROOTS has weak signature algorithm sha1WithRSAEncryption



  1. Check vpxd.certmgmt.mode on the vCenter and confirm the mode is vmca
  2. Disable HA for cluster before proceeding (in case HA task is stuck, disconnect the host and proceed with the following)
  3. Renew the certificate for the host (configure tab, certificate)
  4. Connect the hosts again 
  5. Next run python certificate check to confirm the unsupported certificates are gone


Upgrading vCenter Server or ESXi 8.0 fails during precheck due to a weak certificate signature algorithm

  • python vsphere8_upgrade_certificate_checks


Start the upgrade