A user may see an update pending for "cflinuxfs3-rootfs-setup" in Operations Mangager/Opsman UI and wants to know more context about what the update is and what are the implications of performing the update.
The “cflinuxfs3-rootfs-setup” update in Opsmanager is part of TAS’s system-level updates and is responsible for ensuring that the root file system used by apps (cflinuxfs3) is up-to-date, secure and compliant. Opsmanager checks and handles components like “cflinuxfs3’ to maintain security, functionality and the overall integrity of TAS. Opsman manages updates independently from any potential automation code that may be present. During an upgrade to Opsman/TAS, your deployed apps will continue to run, but users may not be able to write to or modify the apps while the update is in progress.
If there is any issue/error with this update, please contact VMware (TAS) Support.