The network override options are no longer present in the vSphere Namespace creation page in 8.0U3 and 8.0U3a
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The network override options are no longer present in the vSphere Namespace creation page in 8.0U3 and 8.0U3a


Article ID: 373769


Updated On:


vSphere with Tanzu


Prior to the 8.0 Update 3 release, a vSphere administrator could provide custom network configuration instead of the default network configuration used when a vSphere Namespace is created. In the 8.0 Update 3 release, the UI option to override the network configuration is not available. 

This is what is expected when creating a new supervisor namespace: 

However with this issue the Override Supervisor Network Settings button does not appear in the UI.


Issue only occurs on 8.0U3 and 8.0U3a

Release name Version Release Date VAMI / Release Notes Client / MOB / vpxd.log
vCenter Server 8.0 Update 3a 2024-07-18 24091160 24091160
vCenter Server 8.0 Update 3 2024-06-25 24022515 24022515


Issue will be resolved in the next release of vCenter. 

To workaround the issue, the Supervisor Namespace Creation can still be done via the dcli.

root@vcenter [ ~ ]# dcli com vmware vcenter namespacemanagement networks nsx distributedswitches list
|name     |distributed_switch                             |
|wcp_vds_1|50 17 44 11 19 ba e4 61-b8 36 a0 aa 74 88 ac b9|
root@vcenter [ ~ ]# dcli com vmware vcenter namespacemanagement nsxtier0gateway list --distributed-switch "50 17 44 11 19 ba e4 61-b8 36 a0 aa 74 88 ac b9"
|    |                    |           |ContainerT0  |ContainerT0 |
root@vcenter [ ~ ]# dcli com vmware vcenter namespacemanagement supervisors summary list
   - supervisor: 04f55a16-7029-46b7-bd7c-d83826533f8f

root@vcenter [ ~ ]# dcli com vmware vcenter namespaces instances createv2 --supervisor 04f55a16-7029-46b7-bd7c-d83826533f8f --namespace test-override --namespace-network-network-provider NSXT_CONTAINER_PLUGIN --namespace-network-network-nsx-tier0-gateway ContainerT0

The last command is what creates the namespace with the override on the T0 Gateway. 

Note: For arguments that require JSON input, you can format them as follows:

--namespace-network-network-egress-cidrs '[{"address": "x.x.x.x", "prefix": 25}]'

Additional Information

Noted in the release notes here