Transferred some PROCS and JCLS from the Development Environment to Production in a package. The next day ran the Endevor Report CONRPT83 (Footprint Exception Report) and saw C1R023w warning messages against the element that were just transferred - why?
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The message C1R023W that the footprint date/time does not match the MCF last Generate date or Move Date/Time. What that means is that no elements were found in the MCF with a Generate date or Move Date/Time that matches the Date/Time of the Footprint.
This warning message is seen when a transfer is performed. In the below situation, the Endevor Elment was Transferred from DEV to PROD with a *NOPROC*.
When looking at the Element Master Display you will see this:
Last Action: Transfer 7/30/24 @14:46
Current Source: 7/25/24 @14:14
Last Generate: 7/30/24 @14:46
Base 7/25/24 @14:14
Then look at the CONRPT83:
|----------------- F O O T P R I N T ------------------------------|
PROD SYS1 SUB1 ELEMENT1 PROC 2 0100 25JUL24 14:15
|---------- MASTER -----------|
30JUL24 14:46 30JUL24 14:46 0100
The Endevor Footprint Date/Dime does not match the MASTER Date/Time - the reason for this is because the Element(s) were transferred with a *NOPROC* - if the transfer was with the Option bypass Generate Processor - the footprint date/time should match the MASTER.
So just by looking at this element, does the footprint match the current source date in the MCF - NO - Hence the warning message.
Just a reminder that the footprint reports were designed with processor output libraries in mind - ie libraries where the footprint is created by either a generate or a move. Since the action was a transfer w/*noproc* the dates and times will be different and the C1R023W is expected.