OI Connector fails to read Group for Default Tenant (which is where AppNeta inventory arrives), so no inventory is present.
OI Connector reports errors reading some Tenant names.
NetOps 23.3.7,
OI Connector 3.14
tenants.properties I see the default tenant:
# The left side is a CAPC Tenant name (or the reserved name _default_ for the default tenant)
# The right side is an encrypted OI TenantCohort ID
# Multiple CAPC tenant names may be mapped to the same OI Tenant ID
Default\ Tenant=xx+YYYYYYYYYYYXYXYXYX/4Rb8n/56565JHY98
Default Tenant must have the specific name:
Following errors seen in the OIConnector.log:
[ERROR] 2024-07-31 00:04:36.166 [pool-6-thread-45] GroupTaskImpl - Error retrieving group tree for tenant Default Tenant
[ERROR] 2024-07-31 00:04:36.166 [pool-6-thread-45] GroupTaskImpl - Unable to push 0 groups to data sink.
[ERROR] 2024-07-31 00:06:31.929 [pool-6-thread-25] GroupUtils - Unable to create group: OI Integration/Default Tenant OI Seed Group (The following Group Path is invalid: /All Groups/Tenants/Default Tenant/Groups)
[ERROR] 2024-07-31 00:06:32.033 [pool-6-thread-25] GroupSeedTask - Unable to create CAPC Seed group: OI Seed Group for tenant: Default Tenant