D004 and DC002001 abends exceeding runaway Interval
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D004 and DC002001 abends exceeding runaway Interval


Article ID: 37372


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The RUNAWAY INTERVAL default value is 10 and IDMS Technical Support normally recommend 5.

What does the IDMS system do when a task exceeds that?


Release: All supported releases.


IDMS relies on an independent ticker subtask, RHDCTCKR, to check for runaway tasks, in addition to other timer related events. Depending on the TICKER INTERVAL specified (1 is recommended), that subtask will wake up every 1 second and check all tasks against the runaway interval, and mark tasks accordingly.

If a task is in system mode, IDMS won’t abend the task, but if that task returns to the user program, at that time IDMS will abend the task with DC002001 RUNAWAY TASK DETECTED IN SYSTEM MODE.

If the task is in user mode, IDMS will abend the task with a D004 at the time ticker identifies it as runaway.