Access to config-server was denied - HTTP Error 403
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Access to config-server was denied - HTTP Error 403


Article ID: 373694


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VMware Tanzu Application Service


When accessing the Spring Cloud Services for VMware Tanzu config-server dashboard, it returns an error "Access to config-server-<GUID> was denied".


Spring Cloud Service Tile 3.2.x

Tanzu Application Service


The error is return when the "label" configured is missing from the remote repository.

With SCS 3.2.x the default label was changed to "main". Verify if your using branch "master" or "main" or another value.

Please refer to the documentation.
SCS v3.2 Release Notes - Breaking Changes 


Verify the "label" configured in the config-server matches to a "branch" in the remote repository.

Please find the 2 options below.

1. Update the "label" accordingly using "cf update-service <MY_SERVICE> -c <MY_CONFIG.JSON>". Note that you have to pass the entire json used to create the config-server. 

2. If label is already set to "master" you can upgrade to SCS v3.2.5 or later
SCS v3.2.5 Release Notes